söndag 19 december 2010

World Snowboarding Day

Today was apparently "World Snowboarding Day" so me and Knut ignored the hangover and went for a few laps in the park here in Ruka.

Really hope that you also dragged your lazy asses out for some snowboarding today.
If not, here's at least a video from our day.

Knut Eliasen in the Artic. Good showing Ruka, good showing...

World Snowboarding Day from Kristofer Fahlgren on Vimeo.

Anton Gun skipped the park today but made this Pro Snowboarding on his own.

Almost chopped my hand of when I tried to get that awsome GoPro-angle.

3 kommentarer:

  1. What is the song to "World snowboarding day"? :)

  2. The song is called: "Bite The Bullet" by Little Majorette
    (Slagsmålsklubben Luffardiscoremix)

    Also check out the original track!

  3. Thank you very much! It is an awesome track!


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