Would have much rather made it into the finals in the Ski/Jibb class though with my other edit AFTERNOON DELIGHT A 15" Macbook Pro for the first price there. BUT, no one will probably beat Joakim Åslunds contribute WHAT WAS THAT? anyway so, doesn't really matter I guess.
Just got back from the One Off filmrelease for Standard Film's latest release Black Winter here in Stockholm.
Last winters movie wasn't really that good according to me, myself and lots of other people. So my expections wasn't superhigh on this years release but Damn!
Thorstein Horgmo's opening part was a real killer with BS1080/ SW Bs 1080s in backcountry high up and literally IN the trees.
Also a killer followcam line from PC that was a follow up from last movies line from the Northstar park. Fun!
That guy knows what he's doin on the board for sure!
Halldor Helgassons part also, Mindblowing!!
Really like the song to it aswell: Matt & Kim - Daylight that I've been playing a lot this fall and it raised the part up a few notches too.
From awsome amazing to superdupalisciouskiller sick!
That boy is working hard for his paycheck..
Really looking forward of seeing the Factor Film again, cause I can't really say that I remembered that much from to Oslo premiere other than both the brother Helgassons had really outstanding parts there aswell!
Met Jacob Wilhelmsson aswell at the premiere and he wanted some footage from me to use for some Lib Techpromotion that I shot on him at the Stendalen/JOSS jump last winter. Superstoked about that I must say!
Now I'm off to work for a couple off weeks down in Europe so I won't be postin stuff on this blog for a while, but when I come back I will be more comitted then ever. Promise!
Spent this weekend in Stockholm for the Frontline Railjam and their pretty much mandatory pre- and afterpartys!
Superfun weekend.
Started of with the Technine Filmrelase at One Off City on friday and their Hard To Earn-joint.
Kinda what you could expect of a FODT-movie.
- Lots of BS and FS 180's on big, big ledges
- The sountrack should contains 75% gangsta-rap and 25% old soulclassics
- Always wear big, big, BIG pants and ghetto ass hoods and sweats!
- Have more tow-in and lifstyleshots than actual ridingshots.
-Be sure to film the whole thing with almost excludingly dollys and
-DON'T FORGET to show the tricks with at least 4 different cameraangles.
That has been the recipe for at least the last couple of Finger On Da Triggermovies and HEY.
Why change a winning recipe!?
Saturday evenings contest was off the hook as usual. Good vibe, great music, lots of familiar faces, and of course sick riding!
The Helgason brothers killed it, even though Eiki didn't throw down as many tricks as the crowd (and obviously himself) expected.
Funniest suprise to me and I guess to a lot of more people as well was to see localrippers Leo Crawfoord and Jonathan Linde killing it together with the rest of the compeditiors from all over the world. BIG UP to them!
Super impressed!
Didn't film anything this year since I'm in the middle of a cameraupgrade and doesn't entierly "got my shit together."
Maybe next time.
Can't wait for next years event though. Always a pleasure.
Here's some pics from the weekend, mostly from saturdays party:
Here we go again. The Freeride Video Awards is an anual amateur ski- and snowboardfilmcontest hosted by the swedish website freeride.se. I've been sending in different contributions for three years now I think. But haven't won anything this far.
Got on second place last year in the Big Mountain category, but without any prices. (Not deserved either, I'm not bitter.) This year I'm competing in both the ski/park category and the NEW snowboardcategory.
HARD competition though!
Joakim Åslund got a killer-edit with lots of footage from his JOSS apperance! The snowboardcategory gonna be thight as well. The Lev och Lekcrew competing with their seasonedit which has been posted on freeride earlier and it's fine as hell.
I also happen to know that my "filmingassociate" Niklas Byssa Byström are competing with a brand new edit too for The Freeride Awards. So it's going to be a tight, but hopefully a clean fight. May the best man win!
Could use a little bit of help though with the voting. Would be highly appreciated.
I just realised that on my first two posts I've written the whole thing on english. Can't say I have any particular reason to, because 95% of the people who will be visiting my blog will most likely speak swedish, but now once I've started I might as well keep up with the english writing.
Need to freshen up my crappy schoolenglish too so writing this blog in english will be healthy exercise for me I guess.
Anyway. Many of you guys (and girls) probably have seen this one before but I figured I post it anyway in case some of you have missed it.
Truly amazing! The whole thing took over 15.000 hours to make.
Big up!
Here are some pictures from the making of the video: